COMPLETED - Development of the Landscape of Ontario’s Opioid Use Management Distribution

22 October 2020


This project aims to develop a valid current visual representation complimented with data for several factors affecting opioid use.

The information collected within this project will be used to identify areas in Ontario where there are high patient needs for opioid use disorder treatments, based on increased overdose deaths, increased criminal activity and increased requests for treatment or waiting lists.

We will also look to identify any areas that are without service or significantly underserviced based on the location of SUB/Methadone providers and relative population of each area. Our goal is to identify populations that are in a higher degree of crisis so that opioid crisis prevention can be directed to these communities. Considering the changing landscape of healthcare in Ontario and the overwhelming affect opioids have on communities, this project aims to provide information that can be used in planning, implementing and evaluating public health policies. 

Principal Investigator:

Dr. Michael DeRoode, MD CCFP

Do you have questions or want more information:

Please contact our Regional Research Coordinator, Lisa Allen, by phone at 705-662-2901 or email at

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