COMPLETED - ERAS Order Set Development and Program Audit

Kristen Szykoluk • 2 July 2018

Primary Investigator: Dr. Hector Roldan 

Co-investigators: Dr. Jennifer Macmillan, Dr. Andrew Brown, Dr. Jessica Reid, Dr. Biagio Iannantuono, Jane Radey, Danette Beechinor, Leslie Secord, Nathan Johnstone, and Lisa Allen

This project is a continuation of the ERAS project that was completed in November of 2017 at the Huntsville District Memorial Site of Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare. ​In this follow-up project we plan to create electronic order sets for ERAS to facilitate prospective audits for the ERAS components. Additionally, we will use those order sets to implement ERAS at our sister site - South Muskoka Memorial Hospital. We will then prospectively audit both sites and compare ERAS and non-ERAS surgeries for the outcomes of interest which are; surgical site infection, hospital acquired infection, ileus, and patient satisfaction. 

Status: This project started the summer of 2018. The retrospective chart reviews are complete for 2019 and are underway for 2020. 

ERAS - Order Set Development PFD

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