705.789.0022 ex.2705
705.789.0022 ex.2705
What are we trying to do?
We aim to see if removing medications that are no longer needed, can help make older adults feel better. We will be reviewing medication lists with participants and discussing their goals of care to ensure patient safety.
Why are we doing this?
As people age and their body changes, medications that may have worked at one time can become inappropriate. Taking medications we no longer need can have negative side effects to our health.
Who may be included?
This project can include any older adult taking more than 5 medications daily and who may have any of the following; recent weight loss, frequent exhaustion, weakness, slow walking speed or reduced physical activity.
Do you have Questions?
Contact Lisa Allen, Research Coordinator at lisa.allen@mahc.ca or 705-662-2901.
Study Investigators:
Dr. David Mathies, MD, CCFP FCFP
Dr. David McLinden, MD CFPC FCFP
Melissa Kilpatrick, MN, NP-PHC
Project Status: This project is currently on hold due to COVID-19 to protect the participants.
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